スタジオマーティロゴ 東京三田・駒沢・新横浜・反町・大阪本町のヨガ教室・ピラティス スタジオマーティ 入門・美容系・ダイエット・体幹トレ・筋膜リリース 体験受付中!
スタジオマーティ 東京三田慶応ロゴ STUDIO marty tokyo-mitakeio is the ballet, contemporary, dance studio in Tokyo, Japan. Class for beginner,advanced, kids, and silvers. Contact US

Studio Data

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studio ballet bar ballet studio floor studio ballet bar stand studio passage

STUDIO marty is a Ballet studio produced by a construction company specialized in Ballet and Dance.

We are trying to create new environments for all dancers so that they can comfortably concentrate on their dancing.

Studio Facility

W 15m D 7m H3.2m

Elastic floor-system

The Matrix Dance Floor System is a floor facility for dancers which is designed for less shock to the body.

Sound insulation and Vibration Proof material

STUDIO marty is constructed with sound insulation and vibration proofed materials which help you to concentrate on dancing without noise.


Facility offers 11' mirrors along exterior wall (front & side) to check your movements.