STUDIOMARTY Kids & Junior Ballet School

各校舎の担当講師やスタッフは、バレエの経験者や現役のプロダンサー、大学・大学院で舞踊や舞台芸術を学んだスタッフ、大人からバレエを始めたスタッフなど様々な講師が多く勤務しているため、レッスンの相談、クラスの相談 進路についても親身に相談にのれます。
Many instructors and staff in charge of each school work such as experienced ballet professionals, active professional dancers, staff who learned dance and performing arts at university / graduate school, staff who started ballet from adults.
Consultation on lessons, consultation on classes, etc. It may be understandable because the teachers have been learning ballet since they were as young as your children. I'm learning ballet, so I'm not necessarily a ballerina, and there are more than one path through the ballet, such as the Shiki Theater Company, Takarazuka, and theme park dancers.
Our staff, who are passionate about learning what they have learned through dance and how to enjoy themselves, are instructed according to their individual goals and levels. Please feel free to contact us.