スタジオマーティ 東京三田慶応ロゴ Tokyo Minato・Mita・Tanmachi station Ballet Studio Studio Marty Mita Keio Adult Ballet、Open Class、Junior・Kids School Open~ Open for trial lessons!


Top > Schedule


Studio Marty provides lessons for kids and adults・beginners and professionals.
You can challenge many classes due to your schedule and level!
Trial lesson・Observation Reservation/Contact From Here
・ Application Fee ¥10,000▶ FREE
・ Trial Lesson ¥ 1,500▶ FREE


スタジオマーティ東京三田慶応レッスンスケジュール ● New open・Renewal Campaign Class 1lesson ¥1,500(member price)! From Open month to the next month

¥1,500 lesson
・Mon 10:00~ Parent-Child Eurhythmics Instructor:Aimi Uchida(Open~end of May)
・Mon 13:30~ Beginner's Ballet Instructor: Hana Kosaki(Open~end of May)
・Mon 19:15~ First Intermediate Instructor: Hana Kosaki(Open~end of May)
・Tue 13:30~ First Intermediate Instructor: Hana Kosaki(Open~end of May)
・Tue 14:30~ Core Training Yoga Instructor: Manami Okamura(Open~end of April)
・Tue 19:00~ Super Basic Ballet Instructor: Minami Tanigawa(Open~end of April)
・Wed 10:30~ Introduction Ballet Instructor: Marie Minato(Open~end of April)
・Wed 14:15~ Aroma Yoga Instructor: Mami(Open~end of May)
・Wed 15:40~ Advanced Basic Instructor: Naoki Makimura(Open~end of May)
・Wed 17:20~ Intermediate Instructor: Naoki Makimura(Open~end of May)
・Wed 17:20~ Slowly Basic Ballet Instructor: Asaka Honma(Open~end of May)
・Wed 19:00~ Beginner's Ballet Instructor: Asaka Honma(Open~end of May)
・Thu 10:30~ Basic Ballet Instructor: Kayoko Wako(Open~end of April)
・Thu 13:30~ Introduction Ballet Instructor: Hana Kosaki(Open~end of May)
・Thu 17:20~ Creative Ballet Instructor: Ree(Open~end of April)
・Thu 19:30~ Basic Ballet Instructor: Hana Kosaki(Open~end of May)
・Fri 12:10~ Beginner's Ballet Instructor: Mayumi Terashima(Open~end of May)
・Sat 10:30~ Professional/Advance Instructor: Yoshiaki Kobayashi(Open~end of April)
・Sat 10:30~ Basic Ballet Instructor: Kayoko Wako(Open~end of April)
・Sat 18:30~ Beginner's Ballet Instructo: Grigory Barinov(Open~end of May)

● Premium Time Lesson Start ●
Premium Time
Weekdays Mon~Fri 17:00~19:00 Premium Time Lesson!
¥1,500/ per lesson for Studio Marty Members!

 ● Wed 17:20~ Ballet Global Class Instructor: Hibiki Hatakeyama
 ● Wed 17:20~ Slowly Ballet Instructor: Asaka Honma ※ Open April
 ● Thu 17:20~ Creative Ballet Instructor: Ree

● Ballet Company Preferential Price ●
1 lesson:¥2,000 (member price: 90min lesson) ※ 2019.1~Start
※ Please bring a certification, card or any other documents that proves your belonging to Ballet Company。

● under25 Preferential Price ●
1lesson:¥1,800 (member price: 90min lesson)※ 2019.1~Start
※ Please bring something that will prove your age。

【Other Studio Schedule】
Members can take lessons in other studios using Multi Studio Ticket

● Trial Lesson・Observation Reservation/Contact ⇒ Trial Lesson・Observation/Contact Form
Trial Lesson Fee: ¥1,500 ※once only

● If you wonder which class is the best for you ⇒